Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Health Benefits of a Good Nights Sleep

The Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep ...Meh....
500 Word essay because I keep getting up earlier than sleepy head Hoh

A good night’s sleep has many benefits for health and beauty (hahahahaha). Lack of sleep can actually cause weight gain, as your metabolism slows down, according to research. Lack of sleep also affects your moods and your body’s time clock as well. Not sleeping well increases the need crave more sugary foods which of course does not help with weight gain.

Concentrating at a decent level is also gained when your body has enough rest to refresh itself. Thus making it easier, and better for you to make informed decisions. Being tired does not help get rid of Miss Sassy Sassy.

Apparently, having a good night’s rest also is better for your sex life according to researchers in a 2010 sleeping poll. Twenty to thirty percent of men and woman researched said due to sleeplessness their sex and family life was at an all time low. Oh dear...Maybe they should try this thing we do, I hear that sex has a record of improving...nothing to do with sleeplessness at all. The wife just needs a darn good spanking....

Apparently a good mattress and a good romp before sleep will improve the overall effect of getting that elusive shut eye...ok, maybe not the romp...

Lack of sleep affects our health, life and longevity. The better the sleep the longer you will live and be healthier. Plus you will be able to concentrate more on being the submissive and obedient wife that you are trying to be.

A good night’s sleep reduces stress and makes you more alert...the world needs more lerts....

Napping during the day is not only effective and refreshing; it can also protect your health and make you more productive. A study of 24,000 Greek adults showed that people who napped several times a week had a lower risk of dying from heart disease. People who nap at work have much lower levels of stress. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood.

So Napping during the day is a good thing to be doing. Especially if you struggle at night time to keep that submissive head of yours on your pillow next to your Head of the Household.

Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. ( harmful exposures could be construed as baring your butt for a spanking to your Head of the Household) Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage. So all those spanks you have had on your rear that has caused soreness or dry skin will heal, thanks to the mighty protein molecules while you sleep!

So those are only a few reasons on why a good night’s sleep is beneficial. Not only for you and your family, but also for your Head (of the Household).

After a good night’s sleep you are more likely to follow through with instructions as your mind is clear, the protein molecules have done their magic, you are rejuvenated, you weigh less, are more beautiful, your sex life will be fantastic, you can concentrate on the Hoh lectures better.

Therefore, it is better to get a good night’s sleep


  1. Lol Hez
    So you got yourself in to trouble ;)

    Well next time you're about to crawl out of bed, read your blog straight away and crawl straight back in to his arms x

    1. Hey Missy

      Yes I surprises there really when it comes to this issue. It is like a re run every morning. Honestly I do try, and I don't get up until I have been tossing, turning and awake for more than 45 minutes. It is not crawling out of bed...more like sneaking...because I am awake! Meh, oneday I will manage to stay there. It is not like it wakes him or anything...but there are the health benefits and those are what I should be concentrating on..that and avoiding the sore rear...


  2. Why not the Romp??? H used to work in a sleep lab. The romp is actually a good thing that does help you get good sleep.


    1. Hey Callie,

      Oh I am all for the romp too, as I am sure it helps you get to sleep. Except....the Hoh is one whose head hits the pillow and he is instantly asleep and will stay that way until 8 hours later and seldom hears anything. Poohey for him who can do that. :)

  3. Oh Hez this is something we struggle with all the time. Even tried the "your body is just different from mine and doesn't need as much rest" angle but all that resulted in was a nose to the wall and a very sore bottom. Ok, the angle may have been preceded by an actual refusal to go to bed but that's just a minor detail.

    Sounds like you did quite a bit of research on this one. Not sending Daddy over here today for sure.


    1. Hi Db

      Going to bed is not a problem, it is actually having to stay there. I too have tried the 'your body is just different from mine' approach..and ended up with the same results as you. Almost every darn day. I have managed to stay in bed, well actually I went back to bed, once in the last 2 or more weeks.


  4. Oh gosh...I struggle with this one too. I got out of bed and snuck down the stairs about 2am....and I would have gotten away with it....but I left cracker crumbs all around the computer. He was not buying my internet surfing...cracker eating mouse theory ;) Sigh..
    I really have no advice...other than stay in bed! I seem to be having no problems now with a newborn in the house, but I really struggled before! Hang in there....


  5. Oh Lucy Lou,

    I am sitting on a red, sore rump because I did not manage at all to stay in bed last night :( Maybe I should try the cracker eating mouse theory, maybe not. He always asks what time I got up, for how long etc. And I am not allowed the computer on during the night either. I guess one day I will get used to staying in bed. Good luck to you!

    Hugs and congratulations on the new addition!

  6. Actually, it IS thought that a good romp right before bed will help you sleep. ;) I can't nap very well, I wake up scared for some reason, but this did encourage me to be getting more sleep too! :)

    1. Hi Es May,

      I am glad that it encouraged you too be getting more sleep! A good romp of one in our house since the Hoh hits the pillow and is out for the count :(


  7. Shhhh...don't tell the S, but MM believes that a good paddling helps me sleep like a baby.

    Don't tell my husband, but he's right!

  8. lol Susie,

    At one stage, The Silence thought that too! That was shortly after boot camp, when he decided we would have maintenance every night for two weeks. You are right (shhh don't tell The Silence) it did help
